




A proliferation of shorter business, competitive brands, and life cycles of product together with a number of business models make the business environment highly challenging as well as complex all across the globe. There is no exception in the industry of hospitality. The organizations of hospitality industry are struggling in a significant manner and full efforts are put in for maintaining their position in the market and hence, improving this position. A number of different types of business models are being used all across the globe and this is a very common practice (Noe, 2007). However, with the changes in the social environment, there have been a number of changes in the organizational structure as well. For all organization, human resource plays the most important role in leading their companies towards success. As management is the main base for the success of all activities, management of human resources is also extremely important for the success and environment of the business. However, due to the diversified base of human resources in organizations, this task becomes quiet complicated (Murphy, 2006). There are a number of issues involved in HRM and these have to be dealt with by using appropriate tools.

Based on the concept of HRM in relation with the hospitality industry, this report will focus on discussing three different dimensions of HRM and hence, the report will be divided into three parts. The first part will be discussing three main challenges of HRM faced by hospitality industry with respect to issues of retention, development and training. The second part will discuss the concept related to work practices and work systems of high performance along with their advantages and disadvantage. The final part will be explaining the ways I which management of performance and people, and their development can help in the creation of committed work force and high performance within the organizations of hospitality industry.






Disciplined management, Employee Participation and Organizational Success
The store has also given tough competition to other retail stores at global level mainly due to its distinctive competence. In oppose to this, the store has observed a slight decline in its performance in the market. The foremost reason behind this was the store inability to manage discipline among its employee. It has furthermore mentioned that Wal-Mart did not provide any sort of benefits or high pay scale to its employees as compared to other retail stores such as Costco. As a result, a conflict between employees and top management arise that becomes severe due to inability of store in providing trainings of discipline management.

Role of Strong Competitive Advantage in Directing and Motivating Organizations
According to Gottschalg and Zollo, it is very crucial for organizations to obtain competitive advantage. The need to obtain competitive advantage is to dominate power over rivals and to motivate organizations in the right direction. It has furthermore stated that strong competitive advantage is a key to survival in the marketplace. As prescribed by Wagner and Hollenbeck, competitive advantage referred to a skill or an ability of organization in performing certain activities that no other player in the industry can perform better and in an economical manner. Similarly, Aldrich also supported the role of competitive advantage in directing and motivating organization by stating that without obtaining competitive advantage it is not possible to endure tough competition of the market place. In view of Miller and Le Breton-Miller, achieving competitive advantage depends upon two factors that are, degree of differentiation and economies of scale and for organizations to survive for long term it is mandatory to obtain either of the factors. Macey et al argued that the skills of managers in formulating and implementing strategies and the ability of leaders to manage change effectively play a major role in the motivation of organizations.






There are different debates on the topic related to a good leader. A good leader is one who creates success stories due to his concepts, processes and practices for the development of the qualities which are necessary for the success. In order to be a good leader it is important that one should have the certain combinations of different qualities. This is because, there are different kinds of parameters of leadership. This includes the national and corporate culture within the organization, the level of education, the competency level with other companies and the approach to the executive. Thus, in order to be an effective leader in the present times, it is important to adapt as per the different situations and their requirements. The paradox of the leadership is such that the leader need to be mentally strong in order to command the people effectively and also to inspire them so that they can follow the leader.

A number of scholars has also suggested that one of the most effective leaders is a person who is driven by values (Greenleaf and Spears, 1998, Kets de Vries, 2009). The assumption should be that the authenticity creates significant difference in the leadership.
But, the qualities of a leader does not happens on its own. A number of qualities are developed over a period of time. In fact, the age of adulthood is a stage which is quite late for them to begin the work.
Leadership development is the concept which focuses on the development of an individual as a whole. The emphasis of leadership development is focused on the cultivation of the attributes which are related to the development of an individual. Leadership development, therefore is concerned towards the cultivation of the required attributes within a person, which can make him a leader. Ideally the development of the qualities of a leader begins in home itself. The environment which one gets in the childhood by his or her parents is something which forms to be a key thing in development of the leadership skills (Kotter, 1988).



研究了在多元文化和多元城市中影响商务交易的商务谈判变量。发现了重要的多样性管理公司、移民身份确定的商业交易中发挥了重要的作用(弥敦和李,2013,pp. 367-394)。英国的许多城市现在都是多样化的,谈判者需要了解他们的语言。



Culture variables that affect communication and negotiation
A study was conducted to observe the business negotiation variables that affect business transactions in multicultural and diverse cities. It was found that the management companies that gave importance to diversity, migrant status played an important role in determining the business transactions (Nathan & Lee, 2013, pp. 367-394).  Many cities within UK are diversified now and the negotiators need to be aware of their language.
Countries that have similar cultural practices have easier modes of communication. Culture and topographical proximity plays an important role in determining the business pulse and the trade agreement of the country. For example, France and UK do a lot of trades solely because of proximity and nearness. It is has been found that within the European Union there is significantly distinctive cultural and business practices between eastern and western European countries. Eastern European countries are able to produce cheaper products than Western Europe. Western European countries like UK give more emphasis to sustainability, waste disposal, fair trade laws, ethical and social rules followed by the business enterprises wanting to conduct business. Hence, the Eastern European countries need to show their sustainable and ethical practices while conducting business in UK (Deresky, 2000). The individuals who are negotiation the business transactions need to give importance to the individualism, gender quality and the implications of the businesses in terms of economic prosperity (Hofstede, 2010). When negotiating trade agreements with the companies, the company needs to show the business enterprises the importance to the sustainability methods, waste disposal methods followed by the company as prescribed by the European Union.



大多数与公司相关的活动都对生态系统产生了显著的影响。直接的活动与制造工艺和使用的豪华轿车,而间接与所有其他的活动,不受分但影响其整体形象像制造业和原材料商品的分配管理相关(Templeman,J. 1990)。梅赛德斯-奔驰是众所周知的环境风险,因此需要采取更环保的措施。



Inside a broader outlook and having as a well-designed unit the final product (luxury car) this approach is utilized so as to analyze the environmental conduct of Mercedes Benz all in all. The various stages located throughout the products life cycle comprise the processes taking place throughout the production as well as during the vehicle’s utilization stage and end-of-line treatment activities.
Majority of the activities associated with the company, have noteworthy impact for the ecosystem. Direct activities are associated with the manufacturing processes and use of the luxury cars, whereas indirect are associated with all other activities which aren’t managed by the division but effect its overall image like the manufacturing and allotment of raw goods (Templeman, J. 1990). Mercedes Benz is well-known of the associated environmental risks and hence takes steps towards a more eco-friendly part.

While discussing on the subject of the environmental influences of the luxury cars division of the company, the spotlight is chiefly on air pollution formed throughout the utilization period. As earlier surveys revealed, it is the phase of the car’s operation where the maximum emissions of pollutants takes place (Aeppel, T, and Roth, T. 1990). Undeviating emissions of hazardous compounds such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and small particles are significant contributors to several environmental issues such as smog formation and biodiversity imbalances. Such direct emissions have an effect on the natural environment at a more domestic level.
The volume of specific regulated emissions despite of CO2 has been captured in many surveys during the last few years. While reduction in a few of the pollutants was observed such as the case of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide, principally owing to the regulation protocols and their necessities for greener innovations and cleaner fuels.




这次分配的选择是欧洲联盟。它是最具优势的贸易板块之一。它于1958 1月1日由罗马条约成立。这一交易发起人成员包括法国,德国西部,意大利,比利时,Netherland,Luxemburg。这一交易的货币“欧元”,目前有27个成员(艺术与尼克松,2007)。它包括奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国国、Greeceetc。下面讨论的国家是意大利。


Trading block and its objective
Trading block is defined as the group of countries which have come together and got involved in international trade. These countries are related over a free trade agreement. Trading blocks are one of the most organized systems and are formed with a common interest of promotion of financial and communal interests of the participating countries (Artis & Nixson, 2007). There are different types of trading block like Free Trade Area, Customs union, Economic Union, political union etc.
The objective of a trade block is to make sure that there are no trade restrictions amongst the participating members. Second objective is the betterment of social, governmental, commercial and traditional relationship within the member countries. Next objective is to promote free transmission of resources. The fourth objective is to initiate collective bargaining. Last, but not the least, objective is to encourage economic growth.

For this assignment the chosen trading block is European Union. It is one of the most dominant trading blocks. It came into existence on January 1st 1958 by pact of Rome. The originator members of this trading block are France, Western Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherland and Luxemburg. The currency for this trading block is “EURO” and at present there are 27 members (Artis & Nixson, 2007). It includes countries like Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greeceetc. The country chosen for the discussion below is Italy.