


开放性:这是一个重要的特征,因为它将决定一个人在与团队沟通和互动方面的开放程度。变革推动者必须受到其成员的影响并愿意受其影响。管理者必须具备的沟通技巧是开放的。 Chawla和Kellaway(2004)进行的研究表明,当有一个高效的沟通体系和工作保障时,员工更加乐于改变和改变管理。对164名员工进行的一项调查表明,员工参与变更管理将取决于他们对组织的信任程度。信任水平与沟通和工作保障间接相关(Chawla and Kellaway,2004)。


Structuring: The very structuring of an organization would restrict the ability and the capability of the manager who is selecting the change management team and planning for their activities for a successful change effort. A well defined change effort and a manager with more power to help the change management team would help.
Capacity: This is an important element for the organization. It is the resources that the organization can provide the change agent-manager with (Lunenburg, 2010). This can refer to both physical resources and human resources. As an example consider that a school requires a manager to form a change management team of four in order to guide the ICT implementation and manage change. If the organization has only three available employees then there is a resource clash. Here any amount of managerial skills might not help.

Openness: This is an important characteristic, as it will decide the level of openness that a person has in terms of communication and interaction with their team. A change agent has to be one that is influenced by and is willing to be influenced by his team members. The communication skill that a manager has to possess is openness. Research conducted by Chawla and Kellaway (2004) indicates that employees were more open to change and change management when there was an efficient communication system and job security. A study conducted with 164 employees indicates that employee participation in change management would depend on the trust levels they have with their organization. Trust levels were indirectly correlated to communication and job security (Chawla and Kellaway, 2004).






The next important aspect of an organization is decision making. Rational choice paradigm calls for eeffective decision makers to identify, select and apply the best possible alternative. However, their key drive is maximization which requires the manager to go for a calculated and intelligent alternative amongst all other alternatives to solve a particular problem. Emotions and intuitions also play a significant role in decision making. Creativity is original contribution to the development of the organizational goals and creative decision making increases motivation to employees and employee initiative also at times helps in decision making.

Following decision making is communication which is divided into formal and informal, person, inter personal and intra personal. There is also something called mass communication which needs to focuses upon disseminating information amongst many with active presence of a gate keeper who ensures what is allowed to be disseminated. There are verbal and non-verbal modes of communication as well, also the very needed grape vine which though comes under the canopy of informal communication yet is extremely effective in filtering information in and out of the formal structure of communication. Information overload is one of the significant barriers of communication which can result in total collapse of the communicating channel. Thus for effective communication free of noise the between the sender and the receiver there should a proper channel or medium of communication which helps in quick, easy and accurate transference of information.






Relationship between Managerial Practices, Motivation at Work & Worker Trust
Managers play an important role as leaders of individual task forces within an organisation. They help in building a trust relationship with their staff members, resulting into a motivated and dedicated team. As mentioned in the sections above, there can be various ways and means to keep their staff motivated and winning their trust, such as:
Keeping themselves and the team up to date with organisation policies and regulations and external/internal factors affecting the team / organisation
Provide trainings and self-development opportunities to grow their domain knowledge and in the field of their interest
Keeping a fair and transparent appraisal cycle
Recognise their efforts and reward them for good performance
Keep them motivated in challenging scenarios
Delegate proper roles and responsibilities according to their ability and areas of expertise
Arrange formal and informal outings to boost up their communication skills and helps in building a healthy relationship at work
Accept their ideas and innovative suggestions and practice them after proper analysis for team/organisation’s benefit
Provide them with health and basic employee benefits.
Provide them proper breaks from work from time-to-time which freshens them up and would give 100% efforts once they are back to work.
All these points will help them gain recognition in the society and fulfil their need of self-actualization. From the organisation standpoint, they maintain their position and stand out in the market by achieving higher esteem and recognition in the market (Bell, R. L., 2015). This results in a win-win situation for both: The employee and the Organisation as such and they both grow hand-in-hand, trusting completely at each other.