








1. 曾成功地进行决策管理,或经营控制一项生意,或具备成功的经商或企业管理经验;

2. 证明自己通过个人经商努力累积资产净值。具体数额各省要求不同,从80万加币至160万加币不等。

3. 向加拿大政府投入规定的投资额度资金,具体数额各省有不同投资方案。










A lot of anthropologists and linguists believe that the body is considered an important part in understanding the emotions that are to be imparted to another person in a conversation (Enfield and Wierzbicka, 2002). The most important point of locus to be identified is the language which is the basis of any kind of conversation which makes one understand the entire information and details which is being conveyed by a person. Metaphor is a concept which is used to refer an object, a person, relationship, quality, or a concept and an unconventional act of reference is used to describe something (Goatly, 2011).
Chinese people have a mother tongue that is Chinese and it is more complex than English language as used by Australians. Chinese text and language are more iconic in their extent and this picturesque understanding of the language which is learned from the ancestors is very easy to give comfort to the present Chinese people who use the language to interact with themselves and with those who understands the language. Moreover, English is a second language for the Chinese and this makes it more interesting for them because they would be more careful and thoughtful of using the words while conversing with someone for who English is a first language like the Australians. It must be noted here that since body language is an important contributor in making understand the message to be conveyed, without learning the body language along with the language and emotional metaphors, used in the language, the exact message that is intended to be conveyed cannot be explained.
In order to describe anger as a metaphor, words like fire, natural force, burden, and insanity are used in the English language but the Chinese have a different understanding in using certain words (Kovecses, 2000; Talmy, 1988). For example, anger being used described as heat is very common in English language used by Australians but has less significance and usage in the Chinese version of English (King, 1989; Yu, 1995). That said, it is also observed that the use of anger is being understood and being based on pressure, and not on pressure and heat together.