

我的经历是在我家后院种西红柿。整个过程花了我大约2-3个月(鲁伊斯,2005,pp. 54—60)。看到一株植物生长,我亲手种下的种子,对我来说是一次非常有启发性的经历。因为,在后院的土壤已经耕种,适合生长的植物。因此,我所要做的就是在土壤里播下一粒种子,这不仅仅是我播下的一粒种子,而是许多种子。我不想给它添加任何化学物质,这就是我用肥料超过肥料的原因。肥确保植物保持有机(无任何化学)(山崎,2000,pp. 529-534)。就是在这之后,整个过程开始了,我习惯于定期浇水,等待种子发芽。几周后,种子发芽了,我看到一个小嫩芽从土里伸出。这使我非常高兴,因为我可以看到我的努力工作的形式,微小的拍摄。以后需要更多的照料,一旦整株植物都出来了,该等西红柿长出来了。几个星期后,西红柿开始生长,不仅仅是在一个植物里,而是在所有的植物中。西红柿的味道和超市的味道很不一样,我们在家里用的也是不同的。


The experience which I had was of growing a tomato in my backyard. The whole process took me around 2-3 months (Ruiz, 2005, pp. 54-60). It was a very enlightening experience for me to see a plant grow, the seeds which were sown by my own hands. Since, the soil in the backyard was already tilled and was perfect for growing a plant. Hence, all I had to do was to sow a seed in the soil; it was not just one seed that I sowed, but many seeds. I did not want to add any kind of chemical to it and this is the reason that I used manure over fertilizers. Manure ensured that the plant remained organic (free from any kind of chemical) (Yamazaki, 2000, pp. 529-534). It was after this that the whole procedure started, I used to water it at regular interval and waited for the seed to germinate. After a few weeks, the seeds germinated and I saw a little shoot protruding out of the soil. This made me very happy as I could see my hard work in the form of the tiny shoot. Much more care was necessary thereafter and once the whole plant was out; it was time to wait for tomatoes to grow. After several weeks, the tomatoes started to grow and it not just in one single plant but in all the plants. The taste of tomato was so different from that of supermarket that we used the same for different uses in the home itself.