



Buddhism began to affect the cultures of China during the period of 1st century A.D., it saturated Chinese people and culture with a vast collection of new approach, behaviour styles, doctrine, ideas, and beliefs and Chinese people have warmly welcomed it. Along with affecting the social and cultural lives, Buddhism also changed their concepts of heaven and hell, a new pantheon, belief in reincarnation, and the principle of Karma, it also introduced the doctrine of four Nobel truths and many more and all these principle have considerably influenced the propel of China and turned their fabric life into Buddhist ideas and outlook. Buddhism also brought with it a new and improved form of behaviour, structures of seated meditation, and the practice of making offerings before images, Buddhist rites of sanctification and declaration of guilt and even it brought a new gesture of palms pressed together. They all were completely changed in China and people have started living a better life that was full doctrines and ethical principles. Through exposing Chinese to foreign missionaries and translating the texts of foreign languages in China, Buddhism registered a great contribution towards Chinese people in understanding their own tongue and to the language itself. Several of expressions that exist in the modern time of Chinese cultures were invented form the Buddhist texts. Aside these points the identification of the distinguishing features of the Chinese language, like its dependency over tones, it was also sparked through the scrutiny of the Indian language in which Buddhist texts were couched.