






Rome cannot be talked about without mentioning about its religious aspect. Romans spent a lot of time worshiping the Gods. They believed that their lives were controlled by Gods. Animals like sheep, pigs, goats, etc. were sacrificed to please the Gods. Each God had a special festival day and those days were declared as public holidays so that people could visit the temples.

As discussed above, religion played an integral part in Roman’s life. Christianity was banned within Rome and the people practicing Christianity were punished severely.In fact, it is said that feeding Christians to the lions was a source of entertainment for the Romans.

It is believed that St. Paul, who was the pioneer in spreading the message of Christianity in Asia Minor and Greece and also found many Christian churches there, brought this religion in Rome.

The early converts had to bear the brunt of the change. These converts mostly included the poor and the slaves as they had a lot to gain from the conversion. If they were found, they were put to death. In AD 64, part of Rome was burnt down. Nero, the then emperor, blamed a race of men for their evil practices and this race was called Christians. They were forced to confess and later on killed brutally. Some were covered with animal skins and left for the dogs to eat them. Some were burnt alive while some were nailed to the cross. They were blamed to have caused the “Great Fire of Rome”(Newbold, 1974).