

代寫論文-英國犯罪率影響的研究討論。英國司法部(Ministry of Justice)在2011年進行了一項研究,在已知的8.3萬起案件中,每個罪犯每年都會給財政部造成8000英鎊的損失。其中約70%是治安成本(Webster & Kingston, 2014)。此外,根據罪犯的年齡,在他們來自貧困國家的情況下,還需要支付監禁或替代住宿的費用。研究發現,英國通過將其收入不平等降低到與其他發達經合組織國家一樣的中等水平,將有助於減少目前約37%的囚犯。有了這37%的削減,那么大約可以為國家節省10億英鎊,可以用在其他事情上。因此,在解決收入不平等並了解其對犯罪的影響時,我們有可能提出更全面的解決方案。接下來論文范文代寫論文-英國犯罪率影響的研究討論分享給留學生閱讀。

The aim of this research is to critically analyze the effect of income inequality on crime rate in England and Wales for the time period of 2005-2015.

To understand the form of research that has been conducted on the subject of income inequality and crime rates in the United Kingdom and other countries

To make use of secondary study data collected from penal and criminal justice systems in order to critique the connection between poverty and crime rates

To critically discuss the effects of recession in creating income inequality.

It is identified in research that United Kingdom by bringing down its income inequality to the median level as of other developed OECD countries would help reduce an approximate 37 percent of people who are currently being imprisoned. With this 37 percent reduction, then around £1 billion in savings could be generated for the country which could be made use of for other things. Also, it was identified that around 33 per cent fewer murders might occur if income inequality was addressed as an issue. This would save for the United Kingdom around £678 million. The overall cost in terms of the criminal justice system and inequality in income is seen to be around £39 billion per year (Webster & Kingston, 2014). Crime against the individual and their property leads to around £36.2 billion loss in a year in statistics collected for 2003-2004 (Webster & Kingston, 2014). The United Kingdom, Ministry of Justice conducted a research in 2011, in which offending behavior identified in the case of a round of 83,000 known resulted in loss to the exchequer in the amounts of £8,000, per year for each offender. Of this, about 70% is the cost of policing (Webster & Kingston, 2014). Added to this are the costs of incarceration or alternate accommodation depending on the age of the offender in the context of their coming from a poverty state. So in addressing income inequality and understanding its effect on crime, it will be possible to make recommendations for a more holistic solution.

論文范文代寫論文-英國犯罪率影響的研究討論就為留學生分享到這裏。加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構為留學生們提供論文代寫、essay代寫、paper代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!