





It is a conceived notion that education and socio-economic status are interlinked with each other. Socio-economic status can be measured as combination of education, salary/income and profession. It is a common perception that social and economic class of an individual and group can have a substantial impact on their life (Brown, 1987). A thorough analysis of Socio economic status through consistent and continuous variables does reveal some inequities for accessing adequate distribution of resources. In certain parts of New Zealand, children from low income households and communities tend to develop intellectual and academic skills relatively slowly as compared to children from higher income background. Basic level academic skills are certainly related with a student’s home environment because low level of education and low household income can have a detrimental impact on a child’s early education. However, the education systems in public schools of New Zealand are adequately resourced and government of New Zealand has made considerable efforts for consistent development of academic progress of children. Quality education and low dropout rates do reflect a positive image of New Zealand’s academic achievement. Consistent Improvement of educational systems and early childhood development programs has certainly helped in promoting quality education irrespective of the child’s social and economic background.

The Education Act of 1877, and the Picot reforms of 1988/9 are two of the most important and influential pieces of educational legislations in the history of New Zealand. This act is regarded as one of the cornerstones of New Zealand’s education system.